Season 4, Episode 16 aired April 30, 2001

1. Intro
2. The poll
3. Don't Miss
4. TV Trivia
5. Favorite quotes of the week
6. A totally unrelated link

1. Intro

If you haven't heard, Robert Downey Jr. was arrested, yet again, for being under the influnce of illegal substances. He was sent back to rehab, and therefore won't be able to finish shooting this season of Ally McBeal. How disappointing. He was a great addition to the show, and his presence will be missed.

That seems to be the big news for the week. I'm looking forward to the Survivor season finale, myself. I know the weather is getting nicer, but don't forget to stay inside and watch TV, 'cause it's May sweeps, and, as usual, the networks are pulling out all the stops for the end of the regular season.


2. The poll

Last week's poll asked why you tune into NBC on Thursday nights. Most of you (almost 38%) tune in to watch Friends, although a good number of you (over 26%) are there because of ER. A little over 14% of you tune in for Will & Grace, while only about 2% of you look forward to Just Shoot Me every Thursday. More than 18% of you don't think Thursday NBC is Must See TV, and don't bother to tune in at all.

As much as I love Friends and Will & Grace, I must admit that ER is the one show I really miss if I don't catch Thursday night NBC.

This week's poll asks you which, of the big six, is your favorite network. Come cast your vote and see how others feel.

As always, the TKTV weekly poll can be found right on the front page of the site.


3. Don't Miss

Welcome to May sweeps!
For details and lots more fun TV to look forward to, see


4. TV Trivia

Last week's question was: Winona Ryder, who guest starred on last week' episode of Friends, shares a famous god-father with one of the regular stars of Friends. Who is Winona's god-father and who is the Friends star with whom she shares him?

As I suspected, not many people knew this one. First prize goes to Suzanne B. Congratulations!

Honorable mentions go to Jennifer L., Josie H. and Caralyn G.

The correct answer was Telly Savalas, who is also Jennifer Aniston's god-father.

This week's question is: Chad Lowe, who will be guest starring on an upcoming episode of Law & Order: SVU, is married to which Oscar-winning actress? (Bonus if you can tell me which show that actress guest starred on for a year as a single mother dating one of the show regulars.)

Send answers to TK at with the subject of tvtrivia. Winners will be chosen at random from all the correct answers.


5. Favorite quotes of the week

From That '70s Show
Red: When my time comes, I want to be buried face down, so that anyone who doesn't like me can kiss my ass.

From Titus
Dave: Lord, let me live, and I promise I'll never ever watch "Sound of Music" *that* way again.


6. A totally unrelated link

Guns for Kids - Store


Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. -Will Rogers