Rosenberg Interview continued

TKTV: Can you give us any idea of what to expect from Titus in the future? Any future plots lines we should look forward to?

MR: You'll meet more of Titus's extended family in the future, but at least for the first season (9 episodes), we have tried to explore and explain the relationships between the core characters.

TKTV: Do you have any other anecdotes or bits of information you'd like to share?

MR: I once got a ticket for going through a stop sign, which was B.S. because the stop sign was obscured by a tree branch but the judge wouldn't take that as an excuse. And they knew it too, because the very next week they cut back that branch. Totally unfair, and it cost me like thirty dollars.

Many many thanks to Matt Rosenberg for taking the time out of his hectic schedule this spring while also working 18-hour days.

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